2020, Health, Homeopathy, Podcast Show Notes

Fear of Illness

Inspirited Wellness Podcast – Episode 8: Fear of Illness


Today I want to talk to you about fear – specifically, about fear of illness.

Terror over disease has been escalating over the past several years – for many different reasons – but it’s really come to a head with the hysteria over the novel corona virus.

If you’re one of the people who are on the fearful side, I’m guessing that you probably have general fear or anxiety over all illnesses.  I don’t expect this podcast to fix the problem, but I’d like to put some things in perspective and offer some suggestions on how to deal with you fears.

On Fear

Fear is meant to be a temporary condition to alert us when something is wrong, or in reaction to danger.  It’s a survival mechanism.

It’s not meant to be a chronic state of being.  Living in a state of chronic fear and anxiety not only effects our mental and emotional health, but our physical health as well.  Over time, it breaks down and destroys our immune systems and will lead to even greater susceptibility to disease.

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2018, Homeopathy

Flu Fears

We sure don’t need the media to tell us that this year’s flu is a doozy!  Everywhere I go I hear the sounds of hoarse coughing, sneezing, and sniffling.  Emergency rooms are overflowing.  Recent reports on the deaths from flu are fanning the flames of fear and anxiety.  There was a story just this week announcing the deaths of a healthy, 40-year-old woman and a 10-year-old boy.  It was this last news story that prompted me to reach out to you.

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2017, Homeopathy, Pets

Boom! Keeping your dog calm when the world is exploding.


There’s nothing like a summer holiday!  U.S. Independence Day is tomorrow and it’ll be a day filled with celebration, food, and fun. But when evening comes and the fireworks start, it’s often not so much fun for our dogs!  The anxiety, shaking, destructiveness, and outright panic can be heartbreaking to watch and incredibly distressing for the dog.

Keep reading for some tips on how homeopathy can help your furbaby get through the evening with less trauma!

Continue reading “Boom! Keeping your dog calm when the world is exploding.”

2017, Homeopathy

Homeschool Homeopathy for Busy Mamas!

Hey there!  The world is in desperate need of a paradigm shift.  Life expectancy in the U.S. appears to be falling.  Diseases that primarily affected older people are now striking the young.  Our children are sick and the percentage of people who regularly take OTC and prescription medications is staggering.  The U.S. spends an incredible amount of money on health care, and yet, our population is considered among the sickest in the developed world.  We KNOW something is wrong!  What can we do?

More and more people are beginning to understand the problems with our current health care system and are turning to prevention and natural methods of healing.  Homeopathy, which is already widely used in Europe and India, is gaining in popularity in the U.S.  While I absolutely love this,  I’m seeing a huge disconnect.  People are trying to learn the practical aspects of homeopathy without a TRUE understanding of how homeopathy works, or even how the healing process takes place.  Homeopathy, or any other natural method of healing, is not as effective if you’re using it while still locked in the allopathic mindset.  Doing this leads to frustration and confusion.  What do you do if you’re unable to interpret what the response is to a remedy?  What if the symptoms get worse?  What does it mean if a past resolved symptom reoccurs?  A deeper comprehension of healing with homeopathy is needed in order to really use it to its fullest potential.

Homeopathy is simply not as effective if it is being used while still locked in an allopathic mindset.

We have to change our thinking and educate ourselves in this area.  My new Facebook group, Homeschool Homeopathy for Busy Mamaswas born out of this desire to help mamas begin shifting their mindsets when it comes to true health and healing.  I want to help you not only use homeopathy effectively but UNDERSTAND the why and how of the healing process.

If you’re interested in being a part of a warm, supportive community learning and working together for the health of our families, I’d be honored if you’d join us!

Join Here!

Sapere aude!


2016, Homeopathy

Teaching Kids about Homeopathy


For my family, homeopathy and home schooling are a lifestyle, but I recently realized that I’ve been remiss in combining the two!  Homeopathy was a part of our lives long before home schooling. Except for a couple doses of Tylenol my oldest received when she was an infant, my kids have never taken pharmaceutical drugs.  From infancy, they’ve all simply taken homeopathic remedies when needed, so I never did much explaining, and they simply took what was offered.

I’ve started to remedy the situation by going into more detail about homeopathy and why homeopathic remedies are superior, in most cases, to pharmaceuticals.  I’ve also started teaching them how the body works and why suppressing symptoms is so harmful.  Fevers are one of the easiest illnesses to explain.

Continue reading “Teaching Kids about Homeopathy”

2016, Homeopathy

Sacred Plants: Atropa Belladonna


Photo credit: H.Zell

Belladonna is one of those words that are fun to say with a big, exaggerated Italian accent!  It means “beautiful lady,” and in fact, it was actually used as a beauty aid long ago.  Women would put drops into their eyes to dilate their pupils and achieve a glassy stare they considered beautiful and seductive.  Considering that belladonna’s other name is deadly nightshade, the practice definitely wasn’t particularly safe!

Continue reading “Sacred Plants: Atropa Belladonna”

2016, Homeopathy

Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease with Homeopathy


The first half of 2016 has been quite an eventful year on many fronts.  Here at my home, we’ve had quite the round of medical issues!  I dealt with a horrible sinus infection, spring allergies, a bout of hand, foot, and mouth disease, and we followed all of that up with constipation with one of my kiddos!  Whew!  I used homeopathy for all of it and I will be doing future blogs on the other issues, but today I’ll delve into how I handled the hand, foot, and mouth virus.

Continue reading “Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease with Homeopathy”

2016, Homeopathy

Homeopathy and Grief

Grief Blog

Hello, Friends!  Welcome!

This is a subject that has been on my mind a lot for the past several weeks due to the circumstances of two families that I’m acquainted with.  One family lost their three year old daughter a few weeks ago and the other is fighting for every precious day they have left with their 1 year old.  My heart aches every time I think about what they’re enduring, so I’d like to use this space to talk about grief and how homeopathy can help.

Continue reading “Homeopathy and Grief”

2016, Homeopathy

Prepare for Success Using Natural Remedies!


Prepare For Success When Using Natural Remedies! (1)

I recently listened to a fantastic interview with homeopath Joette Calabrese.  She said something that really struck me and I wanted to expand on it because I think that this simple thing can mean the difference between success and failure when making the switch to natural healing methods.  I don’t have her exact words so I’m very much paraphrasing, but here’s the gist of what she said:

You can’t just decide you want to use natural remedies and leave it at that.  If you don’t educate yourself and prepare ahead of time, you’ll fall back to what you already know when faced with illness.  For pretty much everybody, this will be conventional medicine.

So if you wait until your child has a fever and you’re still afraid of fevers, you’ll use that fever reducer.  If you aren’t prepared and have a plan for the next time you get the flu, you’ll reach for those over the counter flu medications.

Continue reading “Prepare for Success Using Natural Remedies!”

2015, Homeopathy

Homeopathy For Children


Using Homeopathic remedies is a very safe, effective way of naturally treating common childhood ailments.  I’ll be discussing a couple of the common childhood issues and a few of the common remedies that can be indicated.

I’d like to recommend that if you want to self treat acute issues with Homeopathic remedies, that you get yourself a good book.  The two I have and can recommend are here and here.  (These are not affiliate links)  A good book is invaluable to guiding you through the process of choosing the correct remedy and dosing process.  It’s also very important to know what conditions can and cannot be treated by yourself.

Using Your Powers of Observation

Becoming more observant is a necessity when using Homeopathy.  When trying to choose between similar remedies, sometimes that small distinction can be crucial in the final decision.  Some things to look for are mental and behavioral symptoms.  Is the child really cranky and irritable, or whiny and craving attention?  Pay special attention to the things that make symptoms better or worse.  Notice if the child is better or worse from heat, cold, open air, or at a certain time of the day.  Many remedies can be specific in these types of modalities.

Another thing to keep in mind is that you may not see a reduction in symptoms as a first sign that the remedy is working.  Homeopathy is not working on a molecular level like pharmaceuticals do.  Homeopathy works with the body’s vital force energy.  One of the first signs you may see when a remedy is working is a general sense of well being.  A really irritable, cranky child may go down for a nap.  A child who wants to be carried around constantly may sit down and start playing on their own.  So please keep this in mind if you’re looking only at  symptoms as a guide on if a remedy is working.

Let’s get started!


Ah, teething!  The excitement of your child reaching a new milestone and watching those little teeth grow is so fun!  On the other hand, the discomfort and crankiness…not so much!  These two remedies are often indicated, but not the only two remedies that can be indicated.  This is where I tell you to get yourself a good homeopathy book because a book will have a more comprehensive list of remedies.

  • Chamomilla – The Chamomilla child will be very cross and irritable.  They are the ones who will demand an object and then throw it away when they get it.  They may not necessarily like to be touched, but they may want to be carried around everywhere and will be better for it.  Another characteristic of this remedy is one cheek may be red and the other pale.  They may have greenish diarrhea.
  • Pulsatilla – On the flip side of Chamomilla, is Pulsatilla.  This child may be very timid, emotional, and weepy.  They really crave sympathy and are quite whiny.


The dreaded fever!  Please don’t fear fevers.  Fever’s are the body’s way of fighting infection and when it accomplishes this, the immune system and vital force are stronger for it.  Think of it as a workout for the immune system!  Homeopathy will help correct the underlying imbalance and assist the vital force in its work.

Any alarmingly high fever should be checked out by a physician, especially if the child has any change in mental status!!!

  • Aconite – This is a good remedy to think of during the first 24 hours of an illness that comes on very fast.  Think sudden and violent.  Intense heat, burning, and dry.  May have a strong thirst for cold drinks.  A child in which Aconite may be indicated may also be very fearful and anxious.
  • Belladonna – This remedy is also indicated in the early stages of illness because there will be a sudden onset.  There are several things that will distinguish it from Aconite.  While Aconite will be mentally alert, the Belladonna child will often have some mental dullness, confusion, or agitation.  Also think red.  Red, flushed face, congestion, and glassy eyes.  The pupils may be dilated and they may have an aversion to light.  They will also have very hot, burning skin and may drink in small sips.
  • Pulsatilla – Yes, our friend Pulsatilla again!  Pulsatilla may be indicated in a clingy, weepy child who is better in a warm room and has little thirst.

Remember that these are not the only remedies that can be indicated for fevers!  Get thee a good book!


It was super challenging to pick only 3 remedies for colds because there are so many remedies that can be indicated based on the symptom picture!  Here’s what I have for you…

  • Arsenicum – The Arsenicum child will be anxious and very restless.  They may feel chilly and be better for heat.  The nose may run freely and the discharges will be acrid.  If the child has that red, excoriated upper lip right under the nose, this may be the right remedy.  Typically worse from midnight to 3 am and better with warm drinks.
  • Pulsatilla – Do you remember the mental picture of Pulsatilla?  The nasal discharge will typically be thick, yellow/green and non irritating.  The cough may also produce thick,  yellow/green sputum.
  • Euphrasia – I have less experience with this one, as other remedies have typically been indicated for my children.  Euphrasia typically has bland nasal discharge and burning tears.


I hope this is helpful!

Bene vale!