2015, Homeopathy

Too Modern? Or Actually Ancient?




There are few systems of healing as shrouded in mystery and controversy as homeopathy. You find people who have been helped by, and believe in homeopathy, and people who think its hogwash. If you’ve checked out the homeopathy page on Wikipedia lately, you find a very organized effort to discredit it. Why would people go through such an effort?


Homeopathy is very much an energetic healing modality. We know that in medicines and herbs there are physical and chemical constituents which act on a physiological level with every person’s unique biochemistry. You can study these elements under a microscope and break them down into all of their separate parts. With homeopathic remedies there are no material substances left to study. All that remains after the process of remedy making is the energy of the substance used. People often will not believe what they can’t see with their own eyes. If science and technology can’t prove it (yet!), then it cannot be so.

Modern vs Ancient

Many people believe that Homeopathy is just too new of a system of healing to be trusted. Compared to Acupuncture or Ayurveda, which have been around for thousands of years, Homeopathy is a fairly recent system of treatment. While Homeopathy itself is only just over 200 years old, the basic principles have been around for thousands of years. The ideas of like cures like and micro doses have been utilized since the time of Hippocrates. Samuel Hahnemann just figured out how to take these natural laws and put them together in an improved system of healing.

How does that work?

We know that all matter is made up of energy and has its own vibration. The earth, sun, moon, animals, plants, and humans all have a unique energetic field. Homeopathic remedies are made by taking a substance, often a plant or mineral, and repeatedly diluting and shaking the preparation in water and alcohol to the required potency. The original substance is no longer measurable, but the energy is still there ready to do its work! Energy can’t destroyed, but it can be transformed from one form to another. In this case, from physical to vibrational.


The human body can be compared to a finely tuned musical instrument. When healthy, it hums along in complete harmony, vibrating at its highest and best. Disease is a mistunement of the body’s vital force and symptoms are the clues that a homeopath uses to bring harmony back to the body. The properly chosen remedy energetically brings the vital force back to a state of balance.

This is all very basic, but I hope this clarifies some of the controversy about Homeopathy and helps explain how and why it works.

Bene vale!



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